BONDED Incubator

an 8-week Biomimetic Dentistry incubator to equip minimally invasive and evidence-based dental leaders with cutting-edge science and robust literature

Our waitlist is now opened for the next cohort (Q1 2025)

Welcome to Malaysia’s first Biomimetic Dentistry course!


The BONDED. Incubator is in partnership with the Alleman Center of Biomimetic Dentistry. This Incubator is intentionally small (up to 12 delegates per cohort) to facilitate deep learning and a catered learning experience.

Each Incubator consists of 8 online sessions over 8 weeks, understanding that every Lesson takes time to be processed and digested before starting the next. At the end of the Incubator program, an in-person session will be held for a recap of the lessons, presentation from the mentors, case presentation by the delegates, and a dinner party!

Dive into the sciences, learn the advanced and cutting-edge way to practice dentistry, and create long-lasting restorations which are tied back to science. Learn how to preserve maximum intact tooth structure and increase bond strengths while minimising post-op sensitivity, and work and think in a systematic way. Most importantly, apply it the very next day in your very own clinical practice!

“Hands down the best course I took in 2022! Through BONDED Incubator, I gained a new clarity on how to approach daily restorative dentistry utilising biomimetic concepts. The lessons were very much evidence-based and clinically applicable, while also being lots of fun as we learned amongst like-minded clinicians.”

It’s not a fixed set of rules we have to memorise, but it provides a guideline and predictability to reassure our patients and ourselves that we are providing quality, reproducible work everytime.”

Dr. Ooi Sue Chuin
BONDED Incubator 2022 Cohort

“BONDED Incubator definitely changed my way of doing dentistry! The few months of deep dive into Adhesive & Biomimetic Dentistry was immersive.

After attending BONDED, the most significant change was being able to restored what was once so called “impossible/poor prognosis” decayed tooth.

By understanding the different types of stress forces, it helped me in treating cracks management and also prevention. What’s bonded stays bonded. We’re now one step closer to a future when restorations last a life time.”

Dr. Ng Leong Jin
BONDED Incubator 2022 Cohort

“... It has given me more confidence and understand more about my restorations instead of just doing a drill-fill-bill procedure.”

Dr. Jun Hong Tan

“... Now I’m more confident and
I have better predictability.”

Dr. Yazid Sarkawi

“... BONDED has changed the whole workflow which has made my job easier.”

Dr. Justine Teh

“... If you want to up your game in restorative dentistry, this is the way to go.”

Dr. Leandre Chai

What’s Included

Live Lectures

8 weeks of live 90 minute lectures hosted through Zoom + one in-person session with hands on

Guest Speakers

Lecture sessions with Dr. David Alleman, the godfather of Biomimetic Dentistry and creator of the Six Lessons Approach (SLA) and international leaders of BRD

Conducive Learning

Intimate classroom setting of no more than 12 delegates per cohort


Access to key annotated research articles from Dr. Alleman’s library and mentorship by leaders of BRD

Group Forum

BONDED Incubator group forum is a valuable resource to share cases and ask questions at any time


A lifelong dental community committed to learning and growing and cheering each other on



  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Caries and Cracks

  • Structural Analysis of Compromised Teeth

  • Crack Management

  • Bond Strategies

  • Immediate Dentin Sealing (IDS) & Resin Coating

  • Controlling C-Factor Stresses

  • Deep Margin Elevation

  • Building the Biobase

  • Decoupling With Time (DWT)

  • Utilising Fibers

  • Adhesive Prep Design for Onlays and Overlays

  • Indirects and Semi-Directs

  • Occlusal Adjustment and Verticalisation of Envelope of Function

  • Restoring Endodontically Treated Teeth

  • Implementing the BRD Workflow in your own daily practice

  • Patient Communication

  • Delegates’ Case Presentation

“It's not the big things that add up in the end; it's the hundreds, thousands, or millions of little things that separate the ordinary from the extraordinary.”


Will there be a hands-on session?

Yes. The Incubator is a primarily online training, with an in-person session at the end of the 8-week training.
There will be a hands-on session on IDS, RC, and Deep Margin Elevation.

Is this open to delegates outside of Malaysia?

The BONDED Incubator is open and created with Malaysian practicing dentists in mind. However, we welcome dentists from neighboring countries who can make it for our meeting time slots (8 - 9:30pm GMT+8) and who can make it for the in-person session in Malaysia.

Is this a certified Biomimetic course?

This is a partnership with the Alleman Center of Biomimetic Dentistry, and Incubator delegates will receive a certification of completion at the end of the 8-week training.

What are the payment options?

Successful registrants can opt to pay with two options:

  • Full payment (a week after registration)

  • 50% deposit (a week after registration) and remaining a month before the end of the course

I didn't manage to secure a spot this time. Will there be any future Incubators?

Subscribe to our newsletter and keep an eye out for updates for future BONDED programs in 2024!

Ready to level up with BRD?